Sunday, July 22

Fun with Pictures

For Lis' Birthday the kids and I (Cory too!) worked on pictures and an album for her~! I was amazed by thier ability to keep a secret and so blessed by E's desire to not lie to her mom while still desiring to surprise her. What an amazing thing to watch God convict and impress upon a heart so young. I hope you enjoy looking at these I was so excited to take and edit them!~ The slideshow seemed kinda slow so I posted some others (different and same) within the blog. I started this blog before Lis' birthday but I didn't post it... as not to give away the surprise before the day~~~ :)


Anonymous said...

OK OK...YOU WIN! I just love those pics...God blessed us with Stinkin' Cute kiddos! :) And an awesome photographer friend. I love you!

Iturblog said...

Those pictures are so good! Thanks for sharing!