Wednesday, March 18

Happy Birthday David :)

Today is a very special guy's Birthday! :) My Uncle David. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure David is one of my Favorite people. He makes me laugh and smile. I lived with David and my Aunt Nancy Jean from my Junior year in high school through my freshman year in college.

This is a collage of the photo project I did for him for his birthday.

There is a theme to the pictures below... most commonly we take pics and get together on 4th of July... at least in seems that way!

4th of July 06
Nancy, David, Hank (i.e. David Jr)
Kendra, Betty Sue, Krystal, & Jay

With his love on their Anniversary

Being Silly With Sara :)

An Oldie but goody Forth of July 1997 (NJ & David's Anniversary)
Sabrina, Nancy, David,
Kendra, JR & Hank

1 comment:

Blessed Blackman Bunch said...

Look at you the year I got! Long time ago. God is so good. Can you believe we knew each other that long ago in my hometown?

4th of have been there and HERE quite a bit.

GOTTA love David. I haven't seen him in a year now. Tell him to come see us all...not just you! :)