Saturday, February 9

Membership Sunday


One of the things I LOVE about my church is the fact that membership is not something that is entered into lightly. I love that when I decided to join it was after much prayer and study. Let me explain. In our group of churches (Sovereign Grace Ministries) a class is offered prior to membership (it is called Starting Point at my church)explaining the doctrines and practices of our church. I have loved learning about the doctrines because for me there were (and still are) so many things that I had to learn about the foundations of my faith. By the grace of God, I have learned so much by being apart of a Sovereign Grace church and attending their conferences!

SOOOOO the last Sunday in January was our membership sunday, it has in the past been marked by a themed event this time it was a "simpler" affair with our new members being brought before the church and then we as a church body shared a meal following our Celebration Service. It seemed to me as though it would be much simpler this time without the theme but as I was reflecting on the day I was struck by the amount of work it takes to both make our Sunday Meetings flow and to coordinate a meal for our whole body. Let me explain for those of you who may not know our church meets in a schoo. Every Sunday members of the body serve by setting up our location and tearing it down after the service. I have been amazed since first coming to the church by the heart God has given so many to serve heroically. Set up can so many times be a thankless job and something I know I take for granted. I am going to end with a short prayer I hope everyone enjoys the photos!

Thank you God for making me aware of the work it takes for our Sunday Meetings to flow. Thank you for the Men who serve on our set up teams and the hard work they put in week in and week out. Please help me to show them my gratefullness and to thank them for serving me, our church but most importantly You. May you recieve all the GLORY! Amen


Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! These Sundays are so special!
That BRAD...gonna miss him. :) Thanks for sharing your pics!

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy seeing your pics of Crossway family:) Thank you for sharing.
